Monday, March 18, 2013

Project No Buy Week 3 and 4

Week 3 (March 4-10) and Week 4 (March 11-17)

Well, last week went by and before I knew it was almost over so I figured just combine weeks 3 and 4, since not too much happened. It's getting much easier to control impulse buying actually and it's nice seeing cash in my bank account!

No makeup purchases this week, which feels pretty good. I'm halfway through March and have not bought anything, if I make it through the entire month without buying any makeup I will give myself an added bonus, even though I do have money in my makeup account, it feels good not to buy anything at all, at least for a while.

Week 2 and 3


Goal 1: Doing two makeup looks. FAIL. I *did* actually do two, but failed at capturing them and posting them. Both my DSLR and point and shoot cameras are broken. I am forced to use my camera phone right now and I haven't mastered being able to take very good pictures of makeup yet. +0

Goal 2: Organizing. Finally finished and pictures are posted in my most recent blog about storage. Feels pretty good. +5

Writing/Blogging. Three blog posts. +6

Art. Sadly nothing yet. +0

Reading. The Time Keeper by Mitch Alboum +4 I feel like I read some other things, but can't remember for the life of me what.

Empties. No empties this week. +0

Self Control. No buying this week!

Makeup Account this week: +$15

Makeup Account Total: +$35

*ADDENDUM* Part of organizing has had me getting rid of products I never use. Last week I sold three items for $30(-$5 for shipping the items). Since they were makeup items I decided part of the money would go to my makeup account. I did not take this into account when I was devising my "rules," which I should have, since I have gotten rid of a lot of un-used products this way.

NEW TOTAL: + $60

Goals Week 5

Goal 1: Two makeup blog posts and at least 2 other blog posts.
Goal 2: Health goals; I know I should be taking a multi-vitamin regularly but I don't. I purchased them last week and started them, my goals it to take them every day as I tend to forget or slowly just stop things I start.

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