Oh goodness, where do we begin? Shall I make you a list? Actually, as I was thinking of things that make me uncomfortable I realized I don't have that long a list. Generally, most things I get over pretty quickly, however, here's a list that leaves me cringing or blushing...or both.
- People who leave the bathroom door open when on the toilet, showering, etc. Let's include people walking around naked AFTER the shower also. I don't care if you're my mom, my aunt, my grandma, my sister, or my BFF, there's just some things I'd rather not share. I don't need to have a conversation with you with your pants halfway down to your ankles; nothing, and I repeat NOTHING, is that important. Not even the house being on fire.
- Leaving messages. Yes I know it makes no sense, the person isn't even listening to you at that precise moment, but I hate leaving messages. I feel awkward and un-intelligible and manage to leave messages filled with pauses long enough to where I am sure the person thought I hung up. I just don't like it. Period. Following that I also find calling people I have never spoken to on the phone before extremely uncomfortable, in which case, I hope to god I get their voicemail. Yes, let's slide calling strangers up top to numero uno. I'm awkward, un-intelligible, and to top it off I ramble incoherently. Yes, I am a real winner on the phone.
- Hair. Let me be more specific, random hair. I don't know what else to say but finding random hairs which I can guarantee are not mine make me cringe, skeeve me out and make me all around gag. I blame this on living alone...maybe. There's just something about finding someone else's hair in your shower, on your sink, a stray hair alone on a chair pillow. Hey, people are hairy, I know this, people in MY family are really hairy, it doesn't change the fact that I get uncomfortable after someone else uses my shower. Yes I inspect it, yes I rinse it down to make sure there is nothing there before I get in. OCD? Maybe. But it just weirds me out.
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