Sunday, April 28, 2013
Project No Buy Week 9 and 10
Week 9 and 10(April 17-27)
I combined a week and a half for this post because I got a new laptop finally! Which if you refer to my first No Buy Post one of the things I was saving for was a new laptop so yay! I'm in the process of transferring files and such, plus my lack of camera issue is now solved as I have a new point and shoot. Now onto the makeup!
Found almost all the LE Maybelline Color Tattoo's I wanted! It was quite the hunt, every store was pretty much wiped clean if they had the display set up yet. I finally found a semi-stocked Rite Aid. If you are ever hunting for something LE, dig around the permanent items, I found two of them behind the permanent rows of Color Tattoo's. I managed to get Cool Crush, Lavish Lavender, Shady Shores, Precious Pearls and Blue Paradise(the last two found at CVS). AND they were all Buy 1 Get 1 half off thankfully. I have to say I am truly amazed at the price differences I found at the three stores. BB&B they were only $4.99, while at Rite Aid they were $6.99 and lastly CVS $7.49! Amazing. While at Rite Aid I also found a miraculously full stock of Wet'n'Wild lippies that I can never find at any of my local stores, so I got 24 Carrot Gold megalast lipstick.
Monday, the 21st, was also the last day of Sephora's Chic week and I wanted to grab a couple things, including my face wash which I'm almost out of, unfortunately the one thing I really wanted, the new UD liner's were OOS, so I ended up not buying anything! I can't believe a sale went by and I spent nothing. Kind of crazy for me. However I ended up finding out about the makeup exchange on (Thanks to Nail Sparks!) so I got the three liners for $12 each, way less than even the 15% off at sephora. Plus I managed to get three 3oz Philosphy Purity on ebay for 17.99, again cheaper than the sale, so I feel pretty good about saving at least even though it doesn't count towards my spending because I used up my previous one and had no other face wash and it is an essential.
What were people saying about me being so disciplined? ;-P But I take into account the first eight weeks I really didn't buy anything, and have stayed within my earned money and followed my rules. I am finding I am wanting things a little less as time goes on, I hope I can keep it up after the end of May.
Purchase Total: 33.71 + 36= $69.71
Money in Makeup Bank before purchases: $120.03
Money after purchases: $51.68
Week Nine Goals
Goal 1: Four blog posts. *Failed* +$0 I did have four written out but I haven't been able to take the pictures for all of them, *fail* so hopefully I can do that now that I got my new point and shoot working.
Goal 2: Spring cleaning. I cleaned the cabinet, fridge and freezer of anything old or past expiration dates, the kitchen is nicely emptied. *completed*+$5
Writing/Blogging. Three blog posts- Two Friday Favorites posts because I had to combine weeks and No buy update. +$6
Art. I did some drawing with a young friend this week, she just may get me back into it. It felt nice to just play with colors and relax, I wish I had taken a picture but I ended up giving her mine and she gave me hers to keep. It wasn't an extremely elaborate piece so I will award myself half since it wasn't as time consuming. +$2.50
Reading. The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling. +$6
Empties. None this week.
Self Control. I did not go over my allotted spending this week.
Makeup Account this week: $19.50
Makeup Account Total: $61.18
Goals Week 9 (April 28-May 4)
Goal 1: Do at least one contest look, a face of the day and a review.
Goal 2: Start an intern application and a volunteer application, as well as work on back paperwork.
I've been slacking lately on everything the past week and half so this week is time to get back on track a bit!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Friday Favorites
This week I finally got my new laptop(which is why I haven't blogged or facebook much on my page). I also got my point and shoot camera. This week is all about the electronics!
I finally broke down and entered the world of Apple. I got the macbook pro 13" 8GB memory, 750GB hard drive. This is my first mac, and so far I really like it. I hope it lives up to the claims because it's definitely more expensive than the average PC laptop. But it is preeeetty. :-P
Second my old point and shoot broke and wasn't worth getting fixed, a new one cost near the same as what they were going to charge me to fix the door on my old one. I like the basics of this one, 16 megapixel, full HD video and you can adjust for different shooting modes if you want.
I adore my kindle fire, I got it last year and never looked back. I slip it in my purse and bring it everywhere. It's great for travel, on airplanes, long car rides, waiting for meetings or office visits, wherever. I love reading even more than I did before, if that's even possible, it allows me to take as many books as I like along with me. I can also watch movies and television shows on netflix and hulu. I admit though, now I want the Fire's a little bigger screen which would be nice. For the price and everything it does, I really recommend it if you are looking for some sort of tablet.
Macbook Pro 13"
Canon Powershot Elph 110HS
Kindle Fire
Art- Soft Pastels
This week art helped me connect with another person. I love art but don't allow myself enough time to get lost in it. I forget how much I love drawing, painting, just doodling nothing in particular. Makeup is definitely a form of art I love but I also like putting things down on paper or canvas.
Have a Beautiful Weekend Everyone!!!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Project No Buy Week 8
Week 8 (April 11-17)
This weeks post is pretty late, I considered just combining weeks eight and nine but figured I would just post this now and week nine in a couple days. It has been a couple of slow weeks all around.
I've been on the hunt for the new LE Maybelline Color Tattoo's, unfortunately I only found one color when I went to Bed Bath and Beyond in Icy Mint.
Purchase Total: $5.37
Money in Makeup Bank before purchases: $113.40
Money after purchases: $109.03
Week Eight Goals
Goal 1: Two looks and Two post. *FAIL*
Goal 2: Spring cleaning. I managed to clean out a dresser, book shelves and two tables. *completed*+$5
Writing/Blogging. Only one post this week. +$2
Art. Nothing. I swear I should just forget this, I haven't had much creativity lately.
Reading. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. +$4 This is the least amount of reading I have done in a while, I just haven't found new books yet.
Empties. None this week.
Self Control. I did not go over my allotted spending this week.
Makeup Account this week: $11
Makeup Account Total: $120.03
Goals Week 9 (April 18-24)
Goal 1: Four blog posts. I am not going to attempt posting any looks until I get a proper camera again.
Goal 2: Clean out my kitchen- fridge, freezer and cabinets.
This weeks post is pretty late, I considered just combining weeks eight and nine but figured I would just post this now and week nine in a couple days. It has been a couple of slow weeks all around.
I've been on the hunt for the new LE Maybelline Color Tattoo's, unfortunately I only found one color when I went to Bed Bath and Beyond in Icy Mint.
Purchase Total: $5.37
Money in Makeup Bank before purchases: $113.40
Money after purchases: $109.03
Week Eight Goals
Goal 1: Two looks and Two post. *FAIL*
Goal 2: Spring cleaning. I managed to clean out a dresser, book shelves and two tables. *completed*+$5
Writing/Blogging. Only one post this week. +$2
Art. Nothing. I swear I should just forget this, I haven't had much creativity lately.
Reading. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. +$4 This is the least amount of reading I have done in a while, I just haven't found new books yet.
Empties. None this week.
Self Control. I did not go over my allotted spending this week.
Makeup Account this week: $11
Makeup Account Total: $120.03
Goals Week 9 (April 18-24)
Goal 1: Four blog posts. I am not going to attempt posting any looks until I get a proper camera again.
Goal 2: Clean out my kitchen- fridge, freezer and cabinets.
Friday Favorites!!
Okay, the post is a little late...maybe I should just call it weekly favorites? Nah, Friday sounds better. :-P
Some of the things I have been lemming after this week...I am a total Etsy whore. Never heard of Etsy? You are seriously missing out! So many fabulous handmade goodies you could get lost for days searching your favorite things. I adore finding unique one of a kind items that you can't just find at your local store. Everything from clothes, to jewelry, artwork, the list goes on.
I love love love Free People clothing. From super comfortable tops, edgy, boho, girlie dresses, I just love their style. Prices? Not so much, the label is pretty expensive, but once in a while I find a deal on ebay and add a piece or two to my wardrobe. Sometimes they can even be picked up at TJ Maxx or Marshall's if you're a good shopper. I love this dress, you can dress it up or down, even wear it over some pants as a long tunic. So incredibly cute and comfortable Did I mention comfortable? That's my main interest when t comes to clothes...I don't care how cute it is, if it's not easy to wear, forget it, it will sit in the back of my closet.
Some of the things I have been lemming after this week...I am a total Etsy whore. Never heard of Etsy? You are seriously missing out! So many fabulous handmade goodies you could get lost for days searching your favorite things. I adore finding unique one of a kind items that you can't just find at your local store. Everything from clothes, to jewelry, artwork, the list goes on.

One of my favorite sellers is Hope at Loft 415, she makes the most comfortable and fashionable stuff. Right now I am obsessed with getting this Maxi skirt in every color possible, particularly this olive green. Her items are incredibly well made and she will work with you to customize your fit.
Now sometimes we want what we can't have...these sunglasses are...well more than I can afford, buy hey, it doesn't hurt to look right? I saw these in my current Nordstrom's catalog and had to wipe the drool from my chin. I have a thing for oversized sunglasses. These look especially good in the black/blue/beige color, it's hard to tell from this picture, but the sides of the frames are beige and blue, they look really neat on. A girl can dream, right?
Who wouldn't want to be a butterfly? No? Just me? These are such cool lashes! Like I said, ETSY has such awesome things. All kinds of unique sparky lashes.
I just finished reading The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It's my first ever Green book and I really enjoyed it. I grew up with a life threatening disorder so I felt a relatability(yah not a word, I know) to the characters(though I did not have cancer) and what the were going through and how they related to people. I think the book was honest, yes sad at some parts, but mostly just honest.
OMG is anyone else as obsessed with this show as I am? I swear every episode is just a new twist or turn or "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" LOL. I can't wait to see what the season finale holds. I am sure it will be enough to drive me nuts for the next three or four months until the Fall.
Well, I am sure there are plenty of other things but I'll saves those for next week maybe!
Stay beautifully you!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Project No Buy Week 7
Week Seven (4/3-4/10)
I didn't purchase anything with my own money this week. However, for Easter my grandparents gave me money to buy the lippies from the MAC Fashion Sets collection that came out last week. Since it was a gift it doesn't count towards my purchases.
Purchase total: $0
Money in Makeup Bank before purchases: $88.40
Money after purchases: $88.40
Week Six Goals
Goal 1: Two makeup looks posted. *fail* +$0
Goal 2: Spring cleaning. It feels really good to get rid of tons of old papers and junk. My Dad always says, an empty surface it's just calling to acquire junk. LOL. *completed* +$5
Writing/Blogging. I did two posts this week. +$4
Art. Nothing.
Reading. Read Beautiful Chaos. +6 Dream Dark. +2 Beautiful Redemption. +6
Empties. My Philosophy face wash and my Jack Black lip balm. My first two empties. Thank goodness Sephora's sale is coming up this week! +$2
Self Control. I did splurge a little on the MAC fashion sets collection but since my Grandparents gave me the money for Easter to buy them it falls under the present/gift category. At first I felt a little guilty but since it was a present it doesn't count. :-)
Makeup Account this week: +$25
Makeup Account Total: +$88.40 +$25= $113.40
Goals Week 7 (April 11-17)
Goal 1: Two more posted looks plus two more blog posts.
Goal 2: More Spring cleaning, eesh.
I didn't purchase anything with my own money this week. However, for Easter my grandparents gave me money to buy the lippies from the MAC Fashion Sets collection that came out last week. Since it was a gift it doesn't count towards my purchases.
Purchase total: $0
Money in Makeup Bank before purchases: $88.40
Money after purchases: $88.40
Week Six Goals
Goal 1: Two makeup looks posted. *fail* +$0
Goal 2: Spring cleaning. It feels really good to get rid of tons of old papers and junk. My Dad always says, an empty surface it's just calling to acquire junk. LOL. *completed* +$5
Writing/Blogging. I did two posts this week. +$4
Art. Nothing.
Reading. Read Beautiful Chaos. +6 Dream Dark. +2 Beautiful Redemption. +6
Empties. My Philosophy face wash and my Jack Black lip balm. My first two empties. Thank goodness Sephora's sale is coming up this week! +$2
Self Control. I did splurge a little on the MAC fashion sets collection but since my Grandparents gave me the money for Easter to buy them it falls under the present/gift category. At first I felt a little guilty but since it was a present it doesn't count. :-)
Makeup Account this week: +$25
Makeup Account Total: +$88.40 +$25= $113.40
Goals Week 7 (April 11-17)
Goal 1: Two more posted looks plus two more blog posts.
Goal 2: More Spring cleaning, eesh.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
March Favorites
I thought I would post some of my favorite things from this past month. There haven't been many new purchases so March is a lot of my favorite, go-to beauty stand-by's.
Naked Basics Palette- This is my go to, run out the door, palette. A quick brush of Foxy or Walk of Shame on my lid and Naked2 in the crease and Crave to darken my lash line and I am good to go. This was also a favorite when I was travelling a lot at the beginning of the year, it's compact and travel friendly, with a great mirror.
NARS Velvet Gloss Lip Pencil in New Lover- This is always in my purse, I love it as a backup for when I am running out the door and haven't really applied makeup. It is a strawberry pink color with a bit of shimmer, I would almost call it a MLBB because it adds just enough color to brighten up my face and it's a bit glossy so you know I have something on, but not much. I actually picked this up as a Sephora points perk and am glad I did.
MAC Viva Cyndi lipstick- Another lippie always in my purse. It's a great coral shade that I think compliments my skin tone. It's not too much but it's my "step up" from New Lover, if I want to make more of a statement but still haven't necessarily put on makeup, and it goes well with a lot of looks in case I forgot to put lipstick on before I left the house, or was running out the door. Plus the proceeds all go to charity, what could be better? Unfortunately it was a LE shade, I will be so sad when it runs out.
Tarina Tarantino Dollskin Cheek Blush Palette- One of my favorite travel friendly palette's, you get a choice of matte-satiny blush or a little bit of shimmer in pinks and corals. I love this palette a lot, I picked it up when Sephora was having their 40% off Tarina Tarantino Sale. It's a great palette that includes a good majority of her blushes, all soft and extremely blendable. I definitely recommend picking up any of her products now available on her own site, Tarina Tarantino.
Sedona Lace Seven Piece Midnight Set- Not much more I can say that I already have not in my review HERE. I love these brushes.
I thought I would post some of my favorite things from this past month. There haven't been many new purchases so March is a lot of my favorite, go-to beauty stand-by's.
Naked Basics Palette- This is my go to, run out the door, palette. A quick brush of Foxy or Walk of Shame on my lid and Naked2 in the crease and Crave to darken my lash line and I am good to go. This was also a favorite when I was travelling a lot at the beginning of the year, it's compact and travel friendly, with a great mirror.
NARS Velvet Gloss Lip Pencil in New Lover- This is always in my purse, I love it as a backup for when I am running out the door and haven't really applied makeup. It is a strawberry pink color with a bit of shimmer, I would almost call it a MLBB because it adds just enough color to brighten up my face and it's a bit glossy so you know I have something on, but not much. I actually picked this up as a Sephora points perk and am glad I did.
MAC Viva Cyndi lipstick- Another lippie always in my purse. It's a great coral shade that I think compliments my skin tone. It's not too much but it's my "step up" from New Lover, if I want to make more of a statement but still haven't necessarily put on makeup, and it goes well with a lot of looks in case I forgot to put lipstick on before I left the house, or was running out the door. Plus the proceeds all go to charity, what could be better? Unfortunately it was a LE shade, I will be so sad when it runs out.
Tarina Tarantino Dollskin Cheek Blush Palette- One of my favorite travel friendly palette's, you get a choice of matte-satiny blush or a little bit of shimmer in pinks and corals. I love this palette a lot, I picked it up when Sephora was having their 40% off Tarina Tarantino Sale. It's a great palette that includes a good majority of her blushes, all soft and extremely blendable. I definitely recommend picking up any of her products now available on her own site, Tarina Tarantino.
Sedona Lace Seven Piece Midnight Set- Not much more I can say that I already have not in my review HERE. I love these brushes.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Project No Buy Week 6
March 27-April 3
So I have a hard time updating my weeks on Sunday because usually we do something with the family on the weekends. Wednesday work better and I find myself writing then generally. This last week has been a good week for makeup it seems. I finally captured a couple looks!
After five long weeks I did break down and buy something! I am proud of myself for making it an entire month without a single purchase. What did I buy? Victorian Disco Cosmetics was having an Easter sale, plus a free shadow if you spent over $10. The free shadow was so gorgeous I broke down and placed an order. It was a small order, which is another victory for me, usually I have to buy the entire collection. I bought 2 mini jars from her re-vamped Sailor Scout collection and 2 mini jars from her new Interwebz collection, plus the color of the month.
Purchase total: $14.60
Money in Makeup Bank before purchases: $71.00
Money after purchases: $62.40
Week Six Goals
Goal 1: Two makeup looks posted. *completed* +$5
Goal 2: Exercises and vitamins. *completed*+$5
Writing/Blogging. I did three posts this week. +$6
Art. Nothing.
Reading. I read Warm Bodies. I really recommend this book, it is very well written and quite intrigue. I'm not a total Zombie nut like some people, but I loved this book! +$4. Read Beautiful Darkness. I am liking this series a lot. +$6
Empties. None. $0
Self Control. I did not go over my earned money.
Makeup Account this week: +$26
Makeup Account Total: +$88.40
Goals Week 7 (April 4-10)
Goal 1: Two more posted looks plus two more blog posts.
Goal 2: Spring cleaning; cleaning out my office hutch and shelves.
So I have a hard time updating my weeks on Sunday because usually we do something with the family on the weekends. Wednesday work better and I find myself writing then generally. This last week has been a good week for makeup it seems. I finally captured a couple looks!
After five long weeks I did break down and buy something! I am proud of myself for making it an entire month without a single purchase. What did I buy? Victorian Disco Cosmetics was having an Easter sale, plus a free shadow if you spent over $10. The free shadow was so gorgeous I broke down and placed an order. It was a small order, which is another victory for me, usually I have to buy the entire collection. I bought 2 mini jars from her re-vamped Sailor Scout collection and 2 mini jars from her new Interwebz collection, plus the color of the month.
Purchase total: $14.60
Money in Makeup Bank before purchases: $71.00
Money after purchases: $62.40
Week Six Goals
Goal 1: Two makeup looks posted. *completed* +$5
Goal 2: Exercises and vitamins. *completed*+$5
Writing/Blogging. I did three posts this week. +$6
Art. Nothing.
Reading. I read Warm Bodies. I really recommend this book, it is very well written and quite intrigue. I'm not a total Zombie nut like some people, but I loved this book! +$4. Read Beautiful Darkness. I am liking this series a lot. +$6
Empties. None. $0
Self Control. I did not go over my earned money.
Makeup Account this week: +$26
Makeup Account Total: +$88.40
Goals Week 7 (April 4-10)
Goal 1: Two more posted looks plus two more blog posts.
Goal 2: Spring cleaning; cleaning out my office hutch and shelves.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Monochromatic Look- 31 day Challenge
Coral Eyes
Disclaimer: All products used were purchased by me.
I have been wanting to do a coral-y look for a while now, so I decided it would be the perfect color in a monochromatic look, otherwise known as a one color look, from eyes to cheeks to lips it's CORAL! (well as close as i could get, a bit of an orange leaning coral). It was really hard to capture the glitter but I tried my best in the third shot.
Disclaimer: All products used were purchased by me.
I have been wanting to do a coral-y look for a while now, so I decided it would be the perfect color in a monochromatic look, otherwise known as a one color look, from eyes to cheeks to lips it's CORAL! (well as close as i could get, a bit of an orange leaning coral). It was really hard to capture the glitter but I tried my best in the third shot.
Products Used
Too Faced Shadow Insurance Candelight
Dark Hearts Design Coral Fang shadow (Main Lid and blended increase)
Bare Minerals Ready Shadow Smash Hit (blended out coral fang in crease)
Bare Minerals Ready Shadow Sun Lit (browbone)
Urban Decay Liner in Bourbon (waterline and tightline)
LIT Cosmetics Glitter in Rainbow Ride size 2 (patted on top of coral fang)
Bare Minerals Ready Foundation in Fair
Tarte Blush in Tipsy
TheBalm Mary Loumanizer Highlighter
MAC Viva Cyndi Lipstick
Disclaimer: All products used were purchased by me.
Note: All photos taken with my Samsung Galaxy sIII right now.
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